Graphic images for your interior

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Fine Art Prints

(Giclée Tryck)

Visa Tavlan


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Tavla med eget unikt motiv

Nu finns möjlighet att beställa poster med eget motiv. Du fotar och vi ritar. Här ser du några exempel som vi ritat för kunders räkning.

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Posters - Art for Everyone

Creates & Delivers sustainable visual art

TANGENPIREN DESIGN® is a registered trademark in Sweden that has been well established in the market since the start in 2018.
We find inspiration in retro, Russian and Swedish poster art. Decorative posters of famous environments and posters with an artistic appearance form a mixture of old and modern art that is excellent to have in your interior.

Until today we have drawn almost sixty different motifs and we are constantly drawing new ones.

How the paintings are made. We travel around the country to selected places and environments and taking photos of the intended motif. Once at home in the studio, the composition is processed and then drawn digitally by hand in Adobe Illustrator.

The posters have been printed on Munken Polar 200 g / m2 uncoated paper since New Year 2021, previously we used 170 g / m2 matt paper. Some pictures are printed on glossy paper, but we have completely switched to matte or uncoated paper. Most pictures have a drawn mat.

Our hope is that you will find something that inspires you and that can lift your interior.


Suggestions for hanging

Irregular hanging but with symmetry

Suggestions for hangingcta image

The pictures work best if you glue them on cardboard before framing because they will not be wavy, but it is also possible to frame them without gluing.

You can also hang your poster in different types of moldings made of wood or metal. Stylish paper clips that are mounted directly on the print and pins that are nailed to the wall give a youthful and airy look. Paintings can be hung in many different ways, e.g. as solitaires or in groups.

A common mistake is to hang too high on the wall or too low at ex. a sofa.

As a rule, a height of 80 cm to the lower edge or a little higher is a good measure depending on the size of the board and the height of the wall.

At a sofa, keep in mind that you do not hit your head on the frame when sitting. If you hang several paintings next to each other, they can hang so that the upper edge forms a straight line, or vice versa that the lower edge becomes a straight line.

If the pictures have different sizes, you can also hang along a center line.

Hang the paintings in a group that forms a symmetrical rectangular or square with straight edges in line.

Join an irregular or imaginative grouping to get a lively expression. You should then have different sizes of posters.